Tank Battle : War Commander instal the new version for windows
Tank Battle : War Commander instal the new version for windows

Tank Battle : War Commander instal the new version for windows

If general troubleshooting and connection maintenance fails to resolve your issues, you may want to run some tests on your connection to get a better idea of how it is performing.

Tank Battle : War Commander instal the new version for windows

Make sure that during your time playing any KIXEYE game that you do not have any of the following running:.This also includes updates and downloads to video game consoles. Limit the amount of streaming that you or anyone else on your network have running during gameplay, such as YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Netflix, Vimeo, Iheart Radio, or torrents.Limit the amount of excess applications which you have running during gameplay, such as Skype, Ventrillo, Teamspeak, or media players.Make sure your connection, if wireless, is secure to block others outside of your network from using your bandwidth.This will renew your connection and can improve performance quite a bit. Power Cycle your Modem by unplugging it, and waiting about 30 seconds to plug it back in.A hardwired connection will also be much faster than wireless so jacking in directly can improve performance. Plug an Ethernet Cable directly into your modem and bypass your router.Make sure you clear your browser's cache as well as your Flash player's Cache often.The following steps will decrease these issues from continuing: The following issues are considered as lag: Therefore, the wiki has found out all the temporary fixes you can try for the issues you may be having. These numerous updates are the cause of many lags and issues which are at times, very hard and challenging to deal with. War commander has had countless additions of new content in its long time.

Tank Battle : War Commander instal the new version for windows